Team. Mates.



A series or articles outlining the disruptive technologies Patheon enables biologic companies to access.

The science and manufacturing processes employed by Patheon are mind-boggling, especially to a guy with a degree in drawing naked people. So I developed a network of experts throughout the company to help me understand the material and context well enough to extract genuine business differentiations and write crisp, persuasive copy for highly sophisticated audiences.


This brochure was part of a campaign that successfully launched the company’s internal collaboration platform.


Patheon offers the global pharma and biopharma industry comprehensive contract development and manufacturing services. Their capabilities span the entire lifecycle of a drug from early development through clinical trials and commercial manufacturing. They bring together a huge range of capabilities under one roof to transform discoveries into viable drugs with game-changing speed.


The more formulations a pharma company can try, the more likely they’ll find one that’ll turn their discovery into a successful drug.

In my five years as a full-time contractor, Patheon exploded from $4.3B to $8.1B in annual revenue. As the company and its breadth of capabilities grew, so did my network. I became the marketing department’s defacto ambassador and the requests for assistance flowed both ways.

Some of those projects were client facing—sharpening presentations, fine tuning proposal packages, editing white papers, ghost writing articles. Other projects improved internal processes and communications. I helped the Voice of the Client team increase engagement. I helped the sales managers deepen Salesforce adoption… a project that informed my department’s marketing automation implementation.

Even though I worked 100% off-site, and these colleagues were scattered throughout the organization and across the world, we had a lot of fun together and worked as a cohesive team.


Psst! Rollover images for a project description, click to read the copy.